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It may seem like common sense to keep kites away from overhead power lines, but a child enjoying a breezy spring day might not even notice when they’re playing too close to electrical wires.

As warm weather arrives, teach your children how to play it safe around live wires. Some good lessons for them include:

• Stay away from electrical substations. If a kite or a ball winds up inside of one, leave it there. A parent can call the electric cooperative and request its return.

• Restrict kite-flying to open areas like parks and fields with no overhead electrical lines. No matter where your child will launch a kite, it’s important to look up and move far away if power lines are nearby.

• Avoid climbing trees whose branches are anywhere near overhead power lines. A child could be shocked or even killed in a tree that is energized with electricity.

• Never throw anything onto or over a power line. If a kite or other toy gets caught in the wires, leave it there and call the electric cooperative.

• Call 911 if you spot a downed line, and don’t go anywhere near it.