You may not realize it, but you purchase your energy at cost. And on top of that, the rates you pay are some of the lowest in the country. Not only are we competitive with other states, we are also competitive with local utilities.
The extremely competitive rates we offer to our members didn’t happen overnight. It is the direct result of being a member-focused cooperative. Last month, I talked about what that meant. It’s about having you at the center of our decisions.
Controlling our expenses is the foundation of our competitive rates. One of the things that has had a significant impact is our two consolidations. We are now a cooperative that once was three smaller, individual co-ops. Joining our areas, employees and resources has allowed us to take advantage of economies of scale to reduce expenses considerably over the years. We have also taken advantage of current economic factors that have allowed us to restructure debt.
These examples are just two of the many ways we put our members first. While these examples are not something we do every day, there are many daily decisions we make. And for each one, we always ask, “Is this best for our membership?”
Our competitive rates are part of the value of being a member of Blue Grass Energy. On behalf of all our employees, we thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you while making life better, the cooperative way